a photo of me with my Schnauzer

Freelancing – with a Schnauzer

Having a dog has changed my life

I always dreamt of getting a puppy. But, neither work nor digs would support such an idea. I ended up choosing cats – or shall I say, they chose me.
Now that I am freelancing, things have changed. I work from home, and the crazy shift hours are gone. The thought of a puppy reemerged. It was getting too tempting.

So guess what – I got myself a little Schnauzer.

And yes, Atlas has made quite a difference in my life. I’m not talking about the over-excited greetings or the disappearing socks; I’m talking about my new routine. For instance, the morning walks in the park – they refresh my mind and stimulate the brain cells for the work ahead.
No more need for an alarm clock, I get woken up by door scratching – less shrill but just as insistent. Needless to say, my days of sleeping in are over. Come rain come shine; we go out together to greet the day.

Because I am “with dog”, I meet new people all the time. Strangers, mostly other dog owners, have a low threshold chatting to me. When walking Atlas in town, it is not unusual that tourists stop me and show me photos of their Miniature Schnauzers, praising the personality of this breed. I suppose it’s a bit like having a baby – you become more approachable.

During working hours, he finds himself a cosy corner in the office, curls up in a ball and snoozes. And I can focus on my translations – well, most of the time.

benefits of having a dog

Benefits of living with a Miniature Schnauzer

No hairy mess:

Because of the double coat, Miniature Schnauzers shed very little hair and are therefore ideal for owners who don’t want to hoover every day. In addition, this breed is recommended for people with asthma.

Getting sunlight:

Your regular dog walks will get you out more. When you are exposed to sunlight in the morning, for instance, your nocturnal melatonin production occurs sooner, which in terms will have beneficial effects at night, i.e. finding sleep more easily at night. Furthermore, a regular portion of sunlight will keep your Vitamin D levels up. Although we humans receive some vitamin D through our diet, most of it is made by our skin when exposed to sunlight.

Happy in an apartment:

The Miniature Schnauzer is an ideal breed for owners living in an apartment. But, as I said earlier, they need to get enough exercise. Schnauzers are terriers who are full of energy.

Regular physical activity improves your overall health:

It has been shown that walking your dog can meet the recommended daily exercise requirement. It could be that extra bit of activity to keep your weight under control. And let’s not forget the positive effect that walking has on our mood and physical condition. A 30-minute walk with your dog, at least three times a week can reduce blood pressure, increase your energy levels, improve the sense of well-being, and lower your weight by 5%.

Lower risk of cardiovascular complications:

A dog at your side significantly lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels – studies show that dog owners who suffer a heart attack are 22% more likely to survive one year compared to people without a dog.
In another study from 2017, it has been shown that dog ownership appears to be associated with a lower risk of Cardiovascular disease in single-person households and lower mortality in the general population. (1)

Your Miniature Schnauzer is an Anti-Stress Coach:

Physical contact with your dog gives you a sense of calm. It helps to reduce stress and lowers your heart rate. Besides, the body contact with your furry friend triggers feelings of joy and well-being. Your relaxation class has never been so close.

Increase your Self-Esteem:

Whoever you are and whatever your situation is, the feeling of taking care of a Miniature Schnauzer is a warming, comforting experience that strengthens your self-esteem. It is a beautiful thing just to be needed and appreciated.
What’s more, because dogs of this breed are quick learners, you will soon get results and be rewarded for your Schnauzer training efforts. A proud feeling.

Positive encounters with others:

By chatting with others, you will notice the positive effect your dog has on social interactions. Very often contact with strangers becomes easier, conversations happen more spontaneously, and the smiling comes more naturally. And if you live alone, your super sociable pet will undoubtedly help you make friends with other walkers.

Benefits for the older generations:

The presence of a dog among older people helps to counteract depression, especially when contact with family and friends are declining.

Dog therapy is increasingly recommended:

Pets are a great method to connect with those who are suffering from mental illness, autism or Alzheimer’s disease – dogs in particular. Just think about the fantastic work our guide dogs do for people with disabilities or visual impairment.

Children growing up with a dog:

Growing up with dogs reduces the likelihood of developing allergies and asthma, and therefore strengthens the immune system at an early age. Studies show that children between the ages of five and eight who grow up with a dog spend on average three weeks more in school than children without a dog at home.

My Schnauzer

Atlas has improved the quality of my life in many respects. I am a happy dog owner and would recommend it to any freelancer who could do with a burst of extra sunshine in his or her life.

You can see that I’ve experienced many benefits from getting my furbaby. And the things I talked about are just the beginning. People of all ages and walks of life can find a canine companion to be rewarding. Their very presence boosts our social lives, health, mental outlook, and more. So, what are you waiting for? 

(1) Dog ownership and the risk of cardiovascular disease and death – a nationwide cohort study