Tag: Strategy

  • How to Avoid Mistakes in Medical Translations

    How to Avoid Mistakes in Medical Translations

    I have been planning to write about the impact of errors in medical translation for some time. But not without doing some research first. I try to avoid tabloid press headlines like: “Young Mother had the wrong leg amputated due to a translation error.” In my opinion, it is rather unresourceful to lay on a…

  • To be FREE – lancing

    To be FREE – lancing

    So you decided to become a freelance translator? What an excellent choice. But, translating aside, do you know what the life of a freelancer entails? It is more than showing your middle finger to corporate life and flashing your laptop in Café Hipster. Freelancing, if you want to make it work, needs structure and discipline,…

  • How to find motivation, if you’re stuck

    How to find motivation, if you’re stuck

    Do you ever lack motivation? Most of us can relate to moments when we run out of ideas. When our brain refuses to work – not just when translating, but in other areas of freelancer life as well. What are the reasons for this blockade? Over-analysing Things. You are afraid to make a decision you…

  • Improve your vocabulary

    Improve your vocabulary

    Disposing of a vast active vocabulary is a great advantage for a translator, along with proficient knowledge in punctuation, grammar, and style. Even though your projects are frequently linked to a strict glossary, there are many instances throughout a text where you need to come up with that “ideal” word. An extensive vocabulary will empower…

  • Benefits of Lifelong Learning

    Benefits of Lifelong Learning

    Are you following a Lifelong Learning Strategy? Learning never stops. If you are reading these lines, you are probably keen to embrace the philosophy of Continuous Education. Or perhaps you just want to understand what the concept of Lifelong Learning is all about. If I had to give you my definition: Lifelong Learning, or Continuous…